Every Voice Matters
Between ‘Me’ and ‘We’, the WE always wins at AG!
Our team is made up of the best and brightest talent from across the gaming world! We pride ourselves on having a collaborative, inclusive and diverse environment.
Never Stop Learning
Take the leap…do something new…do something old…in a new way.
An open environment empowers our team to experiment with new technologies and to learn from each other to eventually have a large impact.
Get in Someone Else’s Shoes
Hear what others say, ask for help and offer it too.
A problem solving approach helps us stay inspired and focused on creating the highest quality gameplay for our players.
One and One Makes Twenty Two
Our success comes from the strength of our team.
We are proud of our accomplishments and we hone them everyday with the help of our passionate and innovative team.
Work Smart
Look for new ways, make mistakes, own them…make triumphs and celebrate them!
Unique ideas, different perspectives and a strong work ethic helps us work smart and inspire each other to do our best.
Question the Questions
Challenge the assumptions and don’t hesitate to ask why not?!
A creative, collaborative and ambitious environment encourages team members to be heard, to share ideas that reach beyond what has been done before.
We Make Great Games…Period!
We are passionate about vehicle based games and expertise in developing real-life driving simulation games.
Our ultimate goal is to create games that are not only great, but are down right addictive!